
Great Women - Tribute to Women's Day


Great Women - Tribute to Women's Day

Great Women - Tribute to Women's Day


    Can anyone tell me how many great women have ever been on the earth of the Milky Way? On the 9.65 million square kilometers of land, we should praise them - women, mothers, great women.

    The best people in the world must be the most adequate people to mine their lives. A great man said that the value of a person is not what he gets, but what he gives. This is not a process of singing high-profile, tapping its own energy, that is, a process of contributing to society. Open the annals of history, from Athena, the goddess of wisdom in ancient Greek mythology, to Huang Daopo in ancient China; from the Curie Lady who has won the Nobel Prize for Literature twice to the first female doctor Xu Chengqiao since the founding of New China From the 19th century British poet Mrs. Browning to Li Qingzhao in the Southern Song Dynasty, today's Bing Xin; from Clara, known as the "warrior of the international women's movement, the storm shouting." Cai Tejin went to Yang Kaihui and Liu Hulan who gave birth to the birth of China, and the first famous female poet Gabriela from Latin America who relied on self-study to acquire knowledge and won the Nobel Prize. There are countless and endless women, for the struggle for women's liberation. They have revolutionaries who have dedicated themselves to the Chinese revolution, some are leaders who promote the Chinese women's movement, and some are Chinese women who have worked hard in the rear to pay for their women's liberation. Faced with them, we can't help but sing, women, great women.

    The "March 8" International Women's Day is a festival to commemorate the struggle of working women in all countries in the world for peace, democracy and women's liberation. The broad masses of women in the new era should further establish the spirit of "self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-improvement", and use the ideological concept of advancing with the times and the ideological state of struggling to achieve their own value while creating new achievements worthy of the times. .

    Life originates from women, and the world is wonderful for women. Shandong Tianlang Environmental Protection wishes all the great goddesses of the world happy holidays!